Speeches / Talks



18 October 2024

Dánaraðstoð – reynsla annarra landa | Assisted dying – the experience from other countries

with Lífsvirðing, félag um dánaraðstoð, Dying with Dignity Canada, Nederlandse Verenig-ing voor een Vrijwillig Levenseinde and DIGNITAS – To live with dignity – To die with dignity, at the Endurmenntun Háskóla Íslands, Reykjavik

6 April 2024

Swiss Medical Students Convention 2024, Zürich
killers in medicine – unravelling the mysteries of mortality

21 October 2023

End-of-life-choices to safeguard quality of life – Switzerland as an international role model

Swiss Medical Students Convention 2023, Geneva
Medicine in Movement

Talk and Q & A round (pdf)

14 - 15 June 2023

Seminario Libertad para Morir: por la legalización de la eutanasia, Mexico

Talk and Q & A round

5 June 2023

Talk and Q & A round with YPO IC Young Presidents' Organization Intercontinental (pdf)

24 February 2023

Talk and Q & A round with the Palliative Care Society at King's College, London

20 February 2023

Discussion, talk and Q & A round with Shatin Integrated Home Care Service, Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, and Children & Youth Services, Hong Kong

8 February 2023

Talk and Q & A round with the Columbia University Seminar on Death, New York

31 August 2022

Kursus om døden i kulturel sammenhæng

Talk and discussion round for Danish medical doctors for a course about death perception in cultural context, Dansk Etnomedical society

8 June 2022

Talk and Q & A round at the Rotary Club Zurich International

15 May 2022

"Going to Switzerland"

Talk and Q & A round with members of the Hemlock Society of San Diego, California

12 March 2022

EUMANS! 1st Open Congress of citizens for
sustainable peace, freedom, and democracy

Reader to complement the talk of DIGNITAS (pdf)

Website of the EUMANS! Congress in Warsaw, Poland (Link)

Video of the talk (Link)

EUMANS! are citizens and activists from all around Europe engaged in a bottom-up political mobilization for socially and democratically sustainable EU policies. The idea to join efforts and act together is by Marco Cappato, a former MEP and nonviolent leader in Italy. (Link)

26 November 2021

Care, Choice and Planning ahead for quality of life until the end – including the Swiss ‘model’ of physician-supported accompanied suicides and the DIGNITAS approach

1st Croatian student symposium of bioethics, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb.

Reader to complement the talk and Q & A round (PDF)

4 November 2021

End of life choices and planning ahead for quality of life until the end
The DIGNITAS approach & Swiss system

Talk and discussion with members of Rotaract Zürich International

8 July 2021

Cracking the taboo on suicide is the best means to prevent suicide attempts and deaths by suicide

TEDxZurich Salon "Talking Taboos"

In the 21st century, we have something better to offer than leaving our fellow human beings to jump in front of a train or shoot or poison themselves. Really caring forpeople means taking their wishes seriously, meeting them at eye level. People contemplating suicide deserve respect, care, compassion, taboo-free communication, and safe, legal end-of-life options. Not belittling them as vulnerable. Not labelling them as mentally ill and potentially incompetent. Not upholding the taboo on suicide and the end of life.

3 March 2021

Sanctity of Life and Death with Dignity

Talk and Q & A round with participants of The Harvard College in Asia Program (HCAP), from the Universities of Tokyo, Leiden and Geneva (Link to HCAP)

25 February 2020

Care and choice in life and at life’s end: The DIGNITAS’ approach & Swiss system

Talk and discussion with executive students of the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA; coursework Business of Medicine Physician MBA, Global Healthcare Experience in Switzerland & The Netherlands. (PDF)

11 September 2019

Motion “that Jersey should enact assisted dying legislation” (PDF)

Assisted Dying Debate at the Jersey Arts Centre (Link)

30 March 2019

The Swiss system of assisted dying – and beyond

Talk and discussion at the annual meeting of RTVD Rätten Till en Värdig Död (Link), the Swedish right-to-die organisation, Stockholm

23 November 2018

Time is running – do we need to catch up? 
Care and choice in life and at life’s end

Speech and discussion at the docnet Symposium, Doctoral Network at the University of St. Gallen.

4 October 2018

Talk and discussion together with Dr Luthman and Dr Jersild by invitation of Prof Ludvigsson, Professor at the Karolinska Institutet and pediatrician, at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden

11 September 2017

Kursus om døden i kulturel sammenhæng

Talk and discussion round for Danish family physicians for a course about death perception in cultural context, Danish Etnomedical Society

9 January 2017

DIGNITAS’ advisory work – Plan ahead and prepare – The Swiss model of assisted dying

Speech and discussion for Australian physicians and lawyers in St. Moritz

14 November 2016

DIGNITAS’ advisory work and more to safeguard quality of life

Reader/brochure to complement the speech (PDF)

STEP – The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Link)

2016 Special Interest Spotlight Session. End of Life Issues: Law and Practice (Link)

28 April 2016

VI. Konference Neuropsychiatrického Fóra, Praha, Czechia

Booklet to complement the speech of DIGNITAS (PDF)

Website of the Neuropsychiatrické Fórum (Link)

Interview by Vojtěch Berger Czech Radio Český rozhlas, Radiožurnál (Link)

26 January 2016

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
Assisted Dying Panel debate to coincide with the opening of the exhibition death: is it your right to choose? (Link)

Speech and slides of DIGNITAS (PDF)

21 July 2014

How DIGNITAS safeguards the quality of life through comprehensive and open-outcome counselling

Speech and discussion at the ETH Sustainability Summer School 2014 on Future Health: Technology and innovation

14 November 2013

In Scotland, parliament member Margo MacDonald presented a revised proposal for an „Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bil", to make it lawful, in certain circumstances, to assist another to commit suicide; and for connected purposes.

Details of the Bill (Link to the website of the Scottish Parliament)

Speech of DIGNITAS, at the press launch in Edinburgh: (PDF)

2 November 2012

World Dignity in Dying Day 2012

Speech of Ludwig A. Minelli at the Conference on Assisted Dying at the Royal Society of Edinburgh (PDF)

1 November 2012

Work methods and experiences of self-determined end of life in Switzerland

Speech of Sandra Martino at a NVVE (Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Een Vrijwillig Levenseinde) Congress (PDF)

26 October 2012

DIGNITAS and the right to live and die in dignity - Fourteen years of efforts in suicide attempt prevention, pro life, pro choice and pro assisted dying

Speech at a SOARS (Society for Old Age Rational Suicide) and Friends At The End (FATE) meeting and the Third Annual SOARS Lecture (PDF)

15 June 2012

Suicide-Prevention must be complemented by Suicide-Attempt-Prevention

Speech of Ludwig A. Minelli on this issue at the congress of the World Federation of Right-to-Die Societies in Zürich (PDF)

1 December 2007

DIGNITAS in Switzerland – its philosophy, the legal situation, actual problems, and possibilities for Britons who wish to end their lives

Speech of Ludwig A. Minelli on this issue at a meeting of 'FATE - Friends At The End' in London. (PDF)

5 July 2007

The decision of the Swiss Federal Court of November 3, 2006, the negative reactions of the world of medicine, and its consequences

Ludwig A. Minelli at the congress of the 'Liberal and Radical Fraction' of the European Parliament in Bruxelles. (PDF)

20 September 2006

Some information about DIGNITAS

Speech of Ludwig A. Minelli at the 'Liberal Party Convention' in Brighton (PDF)

6 November 2005

Video-Conference Zürich - Brisbane

Third biannual meeting of 'exit International' (Australia) in Brisbane
Speech of Ludwig A. Minelli

Audio-File MP3   Length: 30 minutes

20 October 2004

That this Motion would legalise Euthanasia

Ludwig A. Minelli to the 'Literary & Historical Society' in Dublin (PDF)


Latest News


Well Worth Seeing


Twenty years after John's death

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Assisted Dying is not the easy way out

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"Cracking the taboo on suicide is the best means to prevent suicide attempts and deaths by suicide"

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Research Report for End of Life Choices Jersey

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery

death: the human experience

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery: death - the human experience

>> more

death: is it your right to choose?

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery: death - is it your right to choose

>> more


Documentaries and more

>> llink


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